Thursday, June 19, 2008

Oh yeah,

anyone have any idea who mowed our lawn last Saturday?  I thought it was our neighbor Scott, but his wife Amy denied that.  The neighborhood watcher, our neighbor Norm, said it was some young guy who pulled his mower from a pickup truck, mowed it, and left.  

We posted a thank you sign that I quickly made out of a "Babies 'r' Us" carton and a piece of lattice for a picket.  I hope you saw it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Since Bill and I saw Clare last Saturday, she has gained 5 ounces....This is amazing!....
and you put it in perspective when you note that there is 20 percent more baby.
All signs point to 'home soon' -
So on you go - we're cheering for all three of you -
Love Annette and Bill