Saturday, June 14, 2008

A few of the things I'm sick of

I'm sick of hearing other people's babies cry inconsolably (I don't know how the nurses do it).
I'm sick of trying to relax while other people's babies cry inconsolably.
I'm sick of being squeezed out of our little space because other people's babies' stuff takes up more room.
I'm sick of worrying about MRSA.
I'm especially sick of hearing the same CD over and over and over again, featuring "Somewhere Out There" from Disney's An American Tail.  No wonder Clare keeps trying to pull her ears off.

1 comment:

A. Giddings said...

Hang in there. The auditory torture will be over soon enough. I'm glad to hear everyone is healthy and I hope you are able to take Clare home soon.

Andrew Giddings