Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A little milestone

First of all, you can notice that both Amanda and I write entries for this. Hers' are elegant prose; mine is filled wit unelegant apostrophe errors, unimagined word choice stuff, and semi-colon splices.

Today (Saturday, May 31), we had a bit of a milestone. Clare left the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and moved to the Intermediate Care Nursery. ICN is still giving her the same care as before, but is less busy and has less going on around her little Giraffe incubator. We have a little more room to give care (we do diapers and temperature when we are there) and there are more mothers and families doing the same things to their own kids there. ICN still may be her home for a while, but since she is living mostly on breast milk now, and may even be off IV fluids by Monday, she is still going to have to breathe, feed, and grow under her own power before she can leave the hospital.

She slept most of the day as she always does, even sleeping her way from NICU to the ICN. She still hates sleeping on her side and on her chest and prefers laying back with one or both of her hands above her head (sort of like daddy sleeps). Amanda had a chance to hold her really close today.

We stayed with her most of the afternoon, from about 12:30 to about 6. It's nice that we live so close to Tacoma General, as we can hop, skip, and jump our way there. We've been using the "stress and comfort" excuse to indulge in Frisko Freeze quite a bit. Hopefully we live to see Clare graduate from college doing stuff like that.

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